Welcome to Al Mafas
Al Mafas is perhaps the first Islamic television program that has been running successfully for five years in Kerala. It is in 2004 that a program titled ‘Al-Balag’ started in Jeevan TV. Initially it was a half hour talk based on some important subjects. Later there was a question-answering section based on questions sent by the audience. Slowly, the number of audience’s letters started increasing. As a result, talk had to be reduced to 10 minutes. The program couldn’t accommodate all the letters. The program steadily became famous among audience all over the world. for more details click here
It is a book that contains some important verses from the Holy Quran. The collections of these verses were called Manzil by learned men.
All those who regularly read these verses will get holy rewards in this world and heaven. This also will bring them close to ‘Allah’. Our holy ancestors used to read them regularly. Children were also carefully taught these verses. These verses are also holy remedy to many diseases. FOR MORE DETAILS CLICK HERE
അദ്ധ്യായം 34 : സൂറത്തു സബഅ് سورة سبأ | ഭാഗം 02
*അദ്ധ്യായം** 35 : **സൂറത്തു സബഅ് **سورة سبأ*
മക്കയിൽ അവതരിച്ചു | സൂക്തങ്ങൾ 54
(Part -2 - സൂക്തം 15 മുതൽ 23 വരെ സൂക്തങ്ങളുടെ വിവരണം )
6 months ago