For getting people's love to you:- do the swalath daily:- صلي الله علي محمدٍ The following things you should do before sleeping When you sleep before do the follows: 1. Do tooth cleaning, 2. do "wudhoo"3. Use to perfume. Tell the follows lines:-Shahadath Kalimah- أَشْهَدُ أن لا اِلَهَ إلاّ للّهُ وَاَشْهَدُ أنّ مُحَمَّدُ الرَسُولُ لله *********** بِاسْمِكَ رَبِّى وَضَعْتُ جَنْبِي وَبِكَ اَرْفَعُهُ إِنْ أَمْسَكْتَ نَفْسِي فَارْحَمْهَا وَاِنْ أَرْسَلْتَهَا فَاحْفَظْهَا بِمَا تَحْفَظُ بِه ِعِبَادَكَ الصَّالِحِينْ Read the "Fathiha" for Habib Nabi (S.a.w) one time Read Soorath-Al Kaafiroon and 3 time Soorathul Ikhlas also 3 time soorathul Muavvadathaini after all when you sleep till you do to dikr. So you will get when you wakeup until best do profit in your account. اَسْتَغْفِر ُاللّهَ اْلعَظِيمُ اَّلذِي لا اِلهَ إلاّ هُوَ اْلحَيُّ اْلقَيُّومُ وَأَتُوبُ إِلَيْ 3 time you read the Dikr then vanish in your badness in your "A'akhira " account. Aaythul Kursiyyi read you then one Assisting person of Allah's; sit and care with you. Without Ghost disturbing. because you must do carefully by read the Quran's few lines of above (Aaythul kursiyyi). The following lines read you 3 times then "IBLIS" cannot do any disturbance to you. أَعُوذُ بِكَلِمَاتِ اللّهِ التَّامَّاتِ مِنْ غَضَبِه وَعِقَابِِه وَشَرِّ عِبَادِه وَمِنْ هَمَزَاتِ الشَّيَاطِينِ وَاَنْ يَحْضُرُونْ Also use the above lines when you see any bad dreams and any afraid coming in sleeping time. " Soora – Al Bakara Stating lines of the last 2 Aayath you read. …"امن الرصولهٌ " From here: You know, Quran's Head have been. Soora Al Bakara…"امن الرصولهٌ Caring you by building blastness. Also you can use this dikr when you sit in a vehicle : when you sleeping time read the follows: سُبْحَانَ الَّذِي سَخَّرَ لَنَا هَذَا وَمَا كُنَّا لَهُ مُقْرِنِينَ وَاِنَّا اِلَى رَبِّنَا لَمُنْقَلِبُونَ When you didn't get good sleep then :- اَللَّهُمَّ غاَرَتِ النُّجُومُ وَهَدَأَتِ الْعُيُونُ وأنْتَ حَيٌّ قَيُّوم لا تَأْخُذُكَ سِنَةٌ ولا نَوْم ياَ َحَيُّ يَا قَيُّومُ اَهْدِأْ لَيْلِى وَاَنِمْ عَيْنِي Mohd. Nabi (S A.W) said to his wife Ayisha(R.A): Hajj & Umrah 's profit will get you one time. Only one thing you do: Daily before sleeping do the following dik'r four time: سُبْحَانَ اللّهِ وَ الْحَمْدُ لِلّهِ وَلاَ اِلـه َ إِلاَّ اللّهُ وَاللّهُ اَكْبَرْ وَلا حَوْلَ وَلا قُوَّةََ إِلاّ بِاللّهِ الْعَلِيِّ الْعَظِيمْ Soora – Ikhlas – 3 time daily (before sleeping) read then you will get one time Quran completed (30 chapter) reading credit in your Aakhira account. Every time when you wake up then you tell the following dikr:- اَلْحَمْدُ لِللّه الّذي اَحْيَيْنَا بَعْدَ ماَ اَمَاتَنَا وَاِلَيْهِ النُّشُورْ
അദ്ധ്യായം 34 : സൂറത്തു സബഅ് سورة سبأ | ഭാഗം 02
*അദ്ധ്യായം** 35 : **സൂറത്തു സബഅ് **سورة سبأ*
മക്കയിൽ അവതരിച്ചു | സൂക്തങ്ങൾ 54
(Part -2 - സൂക്തം 15 മുതൽ 23 വരെ സൂക്തങ്ങളുടെ വിവരണം )
6 months ago
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